Essay On Discrimination And Discrimination

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Founding out the causes of prejudice and discrimination in regards to race and ethnicity, lies on the sociological perspectives on how we view them as. It is important in explaining of what causes what and how does it cause it based on sociological perspectives of symbolic interactions, functionalism, and conflict theory. Functionalism is that all things in society have a function or role within that society. In the terms of prejudice have a role in society it can give people a sense of higher status or lower status. For example, African Americans in the past after slavery was over still are being judged by skin color in society and this plays are role in determining future job they want to obtain. This place a role in society aspects because it created meaning and structure to be separate by skin color during the time of the jim crow laws. This lead to discrimination to happen among African …show more content…

People are competing for scarce resources. Prejudices and discrimination are used by companies that need people to work for them. If workers start going on strike, asking for a raise and benefits. They will turn to other racial-ethnic groups that need jobs like African Americans and Latinos. Like in todays society people think Mexicans are after their jobs because they don’t care what the job is in terms. This is a type of prejudice and gets discriminated because they do get jobs that people would not want to do. The reason is because they don’t have money and need a job. Companies uses reserve labor force and split labor markets. Reserve labor forces are people who are unemployed just like the immigrants. Split labor market where as whites know their is somebody wanting to take their job, and African blacks perceive Latinos as competitors for them jobs. Prejudice happens very subtle in companies in high places and uses discrimination to keep people from revolting by dividing through the racial-ethnic

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