The Causes and Prevention of Murder

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You or someone in your family may have children who perform actions that can be indications of a potential serial killer. Most parents will ignore these signs but they are no joke. Does your child like to harm small animals? Does your child live in an unstable family; is your child socially awkward and isolated from everyone else? If you said yes to these questions, you may want to get more involved in your child’s life. According to many experts harming small animals, an unstable family, isolation from others, and bad mental health are the four main causes of murder but those are not the only causes. To the surprise of some people, violent videogames are not one of the leading reasons of why someone decides to kill. From early childhood actions to current activities, close family members can observe how their children will function as members of society, and help to ensure a normal life for their loved ones by making sure his/her actions are socially and morally correct to.

Violent crimes have been perceived by many to be an action that can causes physical damage to others. Law enforcement officials say that a violent crime is composed of four different types of actions: rape, murder, robbery, and assault. Violent crimes such as murder have been around for the longest time. Human beings have always killed another person for a specific reason and even sometimes for no reason at all. Over the years experts have recorded many different crimes performed by different men. One example occurred in 1913, when Peter Kurten who went on a killing spree. On May 25, 1913, Kurten harmed many people, mostly women and little girls because they were defenseless towards him. When interviewed after his capture, he said he committed his murder sp...

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Roland, Paul. In The Minds of Murders, The Inside Story of Criminal Profiling. Edison: Chartwell Books, Inc., 2009.

Szalavitz, Maia, and Maia Szalavitz. "Mass Murder and Mental Illness: The Interplay of Stigma, Culture and Disease." Time. Time Web. 29 Sept. 2013.

"Video Games" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

"World Socialist Web Site." Physiology, Sociology and Murder: A Scientist Looks at Violence in America- 29 Sept. 2013.

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