Virtue Ethics: Case Study: Virtue Ethics

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Case study 1 Summary Randall recently finished graduate school with an M.A. in advertising and works at a major agency in account services. His job requires him to work as an assistant account executive for a client that is introducing a new sports car. His responsibility would be to drive the new sports car for six months while selling the car and hand out supplementary materials to whomever was interested in the car. Randall would not be able to tell the individuals that the car was not his and this promotion seemed deceptive to him. Virtue Ethics In order to best analyze this case; I will use virtue ethics to help decide what Randall should say and to whom. Randall is clearly smart and educated, yet when presented with a promising job, …show more content…

Potter’s box has four components: facts, values, principles, and loyalties. Randall is posed with a dilemma of whether to do something ethically right, i.e. declining the promotion due to wanting to be a good person, or ethically wrong, which means staying with the company. It is important to distinguish the values of the stakeholders involved, in order to help Randall make an informed decision. The stakeholders involved are the company, Randall’s team, and the major automobile client. One could speculate that Randall wants to please his team members and boss by deciding to sell the cars. The car company has professional values in which they are more concerned with making money than the ethics of their actions which in turn contribute to questioning their virtues. The potential buyers of the cars can also be affected by the values of the company and Randall’s team. If they chose to lie, the buyers are misled into buying a product that can effect the relationship between the consumer and the company. The next step in Potter’s box is ethical principle. The ethical principle that is applicable to this situation is Aristotle’s Golden Mean which states that moral behavior is the mean between two extremes- one of excess and the other deficiency (Bivins, 78). This can be adapted to the virtue of truthfulness but if used excessively it would become …show more content…

The first prima facie duty is fidelity, and one of the subsets it lists is one should not lie in any aspect of their lives. This binding duty is something that Randall should consider when deciding if he should say anything. The ethical obligations that Randall has to the buyers of said car, his team and company are all different. His ethical obligation to himself is to live a truthful life which can lead to a good character. Furthermore, the ethical obligation Randall has to the consumers is also do not lie. Ross considers it a duty of fidelity to not lie and lying to unsuspecting individuals could result in them trusting you and possibly buying the product (Bivins, 26). One of the ethical obligations toward the stakeholders based on Ross’s prima facie duties is the duty of justice. Ross states that if someone receives a gift that brings him or her happiness, it is up to them to provide or prevent the distribution, regardless of their position or power (Bivins, 26). This is applicable to Randall, as he has an ethical obligation to speak up or ignore his gut feeling. Randall accepted the position, which means he has an ethical obligation to his company unless he quits. The ethical obligation of the automobile company would be a duty of beneficence. The duty of beneficence is applicable to the company because they are introducing a new car

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