What Is A Five Step Career Planning Strategy To Help Athletes With Career Transitions?

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While Beauchemin’s (2014) outreach program may have increased athletes’ awareness of the importance of mental skills in sports, Stambulova (2010) presented a five-step career planning strategy (5-SCP) to assist athletes with career transitions. Stambulova’s (2010) 5-SCP also utilized a holistic wellness approach. Within this approach, one’s athletic career is viewed as an important component of that individual’s lifelong career (Stambulova, 2010). Moreover, the holistic approach promotes success in athletic and personal domains (Stambulova, 2010).
To preface her description of the 5-SCP, Stambulova (2010) described it as a framework that facilitates conversation between the counselor and athlete. Moreover, the 5-SCP assists athletes to increase awareness of his or her past, present, and future experiences and perspectives (Stambulova, 2010). In addition, the 5-SCP helps adequately prepare athletes for sport and life-related transitions (Stambulova, 2010).
Within the initial step, the counselor guides the athlete to create a lifeline (Stambulova, 2010). The athlete will draw a line and, on the far left of the line, will draw a mark that represents his or her date of birth (Stambulova, 2010). Next, the athlete will draw …show more content…

Specifically, the athlete is required to make this prediction looking one, three, five, and ten years ahead, and for the remainder of his or her life (Stambulova, 2010). This step provides the client with a visual reminder of how he or she wants to organize future events and priorities (Stambulova, 2010). Moreover, it allows the counselor to understand when the athlete may want to retire and what the athlete plans to do post- retirement (Stambulova, 2010). The fifth step is comprised of three sub-steps that assist the athlete to combine aspects of his or her past, present, and future (Stambulova,

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