Where Do You Fit In?

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Imagine the place that you are the most comfortable, the place where you get that quote on quote “warm fuzzy feeling”. For you that might be your house, a specific class in school, or a house of someone you know well. We usually get this feeling because of things that we’ve done there, people we’ve met, or just the familiar surroundings. For me it’s not a specific place, instead all I need to feel comfortable is my family. Throughout the start of my life up until now I have had arguments and fights with my siblings but I know that every one of those disputes has strengthened my family bond. I have had so many learning and growing experiences and each one taught me different things. These experiences range from family road trips, to doing the same things as my siblings, and even the little everyday schedule has taught me things about my family. Some of my best family experiences were on family trips, but sometimes it was not in fact the activities at the place we were going but the journey there that held the learning experiences. Most of the family trips that we take are over eight hours long. There are many things that come from being in a cramped car for that long. One of which is you get bored unless you talk to other people, so that’s what you do. Sometimes you can find out a lot about a person by talking to them for that long, even people that you thought you knew completely. On one of my family trips my brother told about a time that his friend almost suffocated on a snow caving trip. It happened when they were crushing in the snow caves and it wasn’t working, then the last time that his friend tried jumping on it, the ceiling broke through and he was stuck halfway with his face buried in snow. My brother finished by tellin... ... middle of paper ... ... my family where I fit in perfect. Even though times get tough and family life can get stressful at times I know that I will always be welcome in my family. Each of the different experiences that I have do different things to make me feel more comfortable with my family. The road trips and driving in the car make me feel more comfortable around my family it lets me learn new things about them and get to know them better. Doing the same things as them make it much easier to relate to my family and if you can relate to someone then it makes you feel more comfortable and connected to them. The everyday things in life assure me that I have a place in my family and it shows me where that place is. I already feel very comfortable around my family but I know that as I continue living the course of my life I know that I will be able to feel even more comforted around them.

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