The Consequences Of Bullying In The 21st Century

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Bullying has been around for a long time, but it has been recognized in the 21st century because of suicidal deaths and an increased amount of people wanting harsher punishments on bullying. Many national surveys show that a large amount of bullying in schools is a form of direct bullying (Garby). Bullying is very harsh and people experience it at least once in their life. Just a little bit of bullying can cause people to commit suicide. There is no doubt that bullying still occurs and changes need to be made, but we need the help of everyone to stop bullying. The suicidal deaths of Jon Carmichael, Phoebe Prince, and Jessica Logan caught the attention of many people between the years of 2007-2012. The common cause of the suicidal deaths were that each person was bullied by their peers. Jon Carmichael was "stripped, tied, and placed upside down in a trash can as well as having his head placed in the …show more content…

Grades drop because "instead of listening to the teacher, kids are wondering what they did wrong and whether anyone will sit with them at lunch" (Bullying and Teasing). If bullying continues, they may also be afraid to go to school. Problems with low self-esteem and depression can last into adulthood, and affect their personal and professional lives (Bullying and Teasing). Bullies are affected from bullying and even into adulthood. They may have difficulties forming positive relationships. They are more likely to use tobacco and alcohol, and to be abusive spouses (Bullying and Teasing). Some studies have even found similarities from bullies with later criminal activities (Bullying and Teasing). A study showed that in the workplace, bullying was connected to "physical symptoms, negative affect, and intention to leave" the job (Djurkovic).We should prevent bullying not just because of the victim but also for the bully because it affects their future

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