Pros And Cons Of Budget Cuts In Prison

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Budget cuts in prison are affecting mental health care for prisoners. Budget cuts are eating away the funding for mental health care "police officers in Reno with mental health counselors to reach out to the mentally ill, whether they’ve committed crime, are a threat to themselves, or could be in the future ,and are Already starved for services, troubled citizens sometimes tumble into homelessness and alcoholism and tussle violently with police, who are usually ill-equipped to help them"(Kihmm). They will not be able to receive the proper medication they need. These inmates that are ill are just finding bad ways to not feel the sickness they have. Most of the ex cons just go back to jail, because of there mental illness. There untreated mental …show more content…

This would be eliminated as part of a proposed budget-cutting plan, "Executive director of the Texas department of criminal justice, warned that the $294.3 million in cuts requested by state leaders, will likely increase recidivism, cause significant growth in the prison population, negatively impact both supervision in the community and security within our institutions, and more than $50.4 million could disrupt operations"(Livingston). Prison guards losing their job is terrible, the prisons will be more dangerous. This will also cause so many unemployed American citizen 's, and thus making taxpayers pay more money, because they will have to collect unemployment. Without the parole officers the inmates that were originally with them will have the freedom to do whatever they want , because there 's going to be less of them than there is inmates in the parole system. More guards are being put in dangerous positions, because of the laying off of all the other guards. The guars are really out numbered now more than ever, and feel even more unsafe. Its not just the guards that are being laid off, the people that work in the cafeteria are being laid off as well. This is a huge problem, because it will take twice as much longer to get your food. This could cause the inmates to get aggressive with each other, or cause them to try and cut in line, and …show more content…

Instead of prisoners just sitting in a cell doing nothing, why not put them to work, "Every inmate that works saves taxpayers $5,000 a year"(Smith). There are prisoners that work in greenhouses, that generated $57 million in revenue. As budget cuts rise working prisoners become more and more valuable. Inmates are finding ways to save money by recycling there old mattress, that would of end up in landfills. Some prisons even have their inmates help clean up dirty parks around them. While the prisoners are doing this they are learning skills , that will help them with different jobs. Prisoners that do a good job get rewarded with money bonuses. Prisoners learning how to be more responsible and understand how to become a better person will help them in the up coming future. With the prisoners getting paid for bonuses for good work this will make it feel as if it’s a real job. The experience that the inmates are receiving will help them with jobs once they are released from prison. Prisoners will strive to do better with the bonuses they are receiving, and will understand again what its like work. Now with this happening this will ensure the prisoners will have a better and healthier

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