Bowen Family Systems Theory for Differentiated Evaluatoin

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Bowen incorporated a theoretical scale for differentiation evaluation. A person with a lesser degree of undifferentiation has a weak identity or weak sense of self (Fritzlan, 1990). The larger amount of undifferentiation or differentiated, a person is more fused with others and has a common sense of self. An example is a person with a strong sense of themselves has the ability to express themselves clearly, which Bowen calls the solid self (Fritzlan, 1990). Bowen indicates this type of person will not compromise their self or beliefs for their family or other people. A person on the low end of scale below tend to have their emotions and intellect blending into their life and are controlled by people’s feelings which surround them (Fritzlan, 1990).The figure below is an example of Bowen’s scale and undifferentiated and differentiated behaviors (Fritzlan, 1990).Nuclear Family Emotional Process The definition of nuclear family emotional process is the relationship patterns which manage where family problems develop (Bowen Theory, 2014). Nuclear family emotional process, Bowen states people marry those which have the same level of differentiation (Galica, 2014). The nuclear family emotional process are influence by four factors; emotional reactivity, cutoff, fusion, and I position (Gladding, 2011). The factors tend to occur when a family reaches a certain level of anxiety, some patterns many occur but not all the patterns may transpire within a family (Galica, 2014). The A person’s relationship beliefs and attitudes affect patterns but the emotional system is the primary influence. The nuclear family emotional process according to Samuel Gladding is emotional reactivity, cutoff, fusion, and I position. The emotional reactivi... ... middle of paper ... ... refers to societal regression, which can occur from an economic depression, resulting in forces inhibiting differentiation (Gladding, 2011). In conclusion, Bowen’s family system theory is genius. Bowen’s theory categorizes different aspects of the family and reason for family behavior. Bowen clearly defines chronic anxiety, emotional process, basic life forces, and family emotional unit regarding the effect on families (Vermont Center for Family Studies, 2014). Bowen continues to complete the four basic concepts of his theory with differentiation of self, nuclear family emotional process, family projection, multigenerational transmission process, triangles, cutoffs, sibling position, and societal emotional process (Gladding, 2011). Bowen’s family system theory will be very beneficial in family counseling, which is an area I would like to pursue in counseling.

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