The Black Dahlia: Elizabeth Short

686 Words2 Pages

n January 15, 1947, local Los Angeles resident, Betty Bersinger, was walking in Leimert Park with her young daughter. She soon came upon, what she first thought, was a discarded clothing mannequin because the body was so white. However, it turned out to be the body of twenty-two year old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short. Her naked body was found severed at the waist and completely drained of blood. Her face was bruised with gashes cut in the corners of her mouth to create a Glasgow smile, and chunks of flesh were cut from her body. Because of the lack of blood, it was concluded that Short was murdered elsewhere and moved to Leimert Park. Due to her black hair and habit for constantly wearing black clothing, newspapers gave her the nickname “The Black Dahlia.”
According to Short's Hollywood roommates, Elizabeth didn't have close friends and preferred the company of strangers. They said that she was always going out to Hollywood Boulevard with a different man every night. In the last six months of her life, she moved constantly between apartments, hotel rooms, and boarding houses.
The last person to see Short alive was a 25-year-old salesman named Robert Manley. He reportedly noticed Short standing alone on a street corner and he offered her a ride. Short, eventually, got in the car. The pair spent the night in a motel and, the next day, Manley dropped her off at the Biltmore Hotel where Short said she was meeting her sister. After the murder, the police tried questioning Short's father, that left the family when she was young, as well as Short's “boyfriends” but learned nothing new. Due to the fame and reputation of the case, many people were claiming to be the killer, and as much time was spent proving these people...

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...mptuous letters the killer sent to the police and media.
Since I can see no clear reason why someone would want Elizabeth Short dead, I think the killer must have been some mentally unstable person who killed her for no real reason at all. The killer may have attended the same clubs that Short did and may have even spoken with her. Since the body was so sexually violated, I think, Short may have been targeted because of her beauty. The books that have been written by people claiming to be or know the killer, I feel, are people just looking for fame and ways to sell books. The Black Dalhia, like other crimes and tragedies throughout history, captured the imagination of the public because of its sexual and heinous nature. However, as the fickle public moves on to other fascinations the vicious killer of someone's daughter, sister, or friend remains unsolved.

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