Biography Amon Goeth

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“Seeing Amon was laying eyes on death itself,” said the Schindler Jew, Poldek Pfefferberg. Throughout the corse of his life, Amon Goeth solidified Pfeffeeberg’s statement through his murderous actions. Goeth was born in Vienna, Austria where he joined a Nazi youth program then transferred to the para-military. He later joined an outlawed Austrian Nazi party in 1930 at the age of twenty two. Soon after, he fled to Germany to avoid arrest from the Austrian authorities for crimes involving explosive materials. Once in Germany, Amon was able to make use of his standings in the Nazi party and became one of the most infamous men during the time of the Holocaust (“Amon Goeth”).

Amon Goeth’s most famous events he took part in were the liquidations of Jewish ghettos throughout Poland. The most infamous of these was specifically the Ghetto in Kraków, or Podgōrze Ghetto (“Schindler’s List”). The Kraków Ghetto was the first ghetto to be brutally liquidated under Goeth’s command; taking place between March thirteenth March sixteenth, 1943 (“Kraków liquidation). Within the camp, there were two sides in which the Jews were living. There was an A section which was designated to Jewish men, women, and children older than twelve years of age. These people were the Jews capable of hard labor. Meanwhile, the B section of the Ghetto was filled with Jews of all genders and ages who were unfit to work. (“Tarnow Ghetto”). The people living in the B section of the Ghetto knew that their fate was death at an extermination camp. This caused attempts to hide from the SS officers, attempts to escape to the A section, and rebellions against the Nazi oppression. After eliminating all who rebelled against him, Goeth’s Kraków liquidation resulted in over two th...

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...he most infamous work camp of all time. He topped off his time with a last stand of rebellion as he was hung after his trial. Amon Goeth was a monster in the holocaust, but he was only one of many who killed simply for the purpose of killing.

Works Cited

Tarnow Ghetto. N.P., n.d. Web. 29 April 2014

United States Holocaust Memorial museum. United States Holocaust memorial council n.d.

“Amon Goeth, Hitler’s Nazi butcher.” Amon Goeth, Hitler’s Nazi Butcher. N.p., n.d. Web

Copyright. Chris Webb, Carmelo Lisciotto, & Victor Smart. H.E.A.R.T. 2010.” Trial of “Amon Goeth! N.p., n.d. Web.

The editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Plaszow (Concentration camp, Poland) .” Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Briyannica n.d.

Schindler’s List. Dir. Stephen Spielberg. Perf. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes. Universal Studios, 1993. DVD.

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