Anglo Saxon Culture In Beowulf

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Every culture has its ways to differentiate itself from other cultures and express itself through many things. Music, Food, Language, Arts and more are some of the vital ways cultures established themselves among others. One of those cultures is the Anglo Saxons. Anglo Saxons were around in the fifth century living in Great Britain. Unfortunately in 1066, the Anglo Saxons were no more after the Normans with France came invaded the country under the leadership of Harold. However, their history, ideologies and beliefs were not forgotten thanks to people like St.Bede who wrote their history. In addition, not only just the writing of history gave insights about the Anglo- Saxon’s culture but epic poems too. One of the prime example of the mirror of Anglo Saxons culture’s ideas is Beowulf. Three main Anglo Saxons ideas …show more content…

This characteristic is shown the most in Wiglaf. In Beowulf 's last battle, he realizes his true support. When Beowulf was facing the face of death and the dragon was having the upperhand in the battle “none of his comrades came to him” and help him( Cantos 35, line 569-570). In this quote two things are displayed that Anglo Saxons does not encourage which is first cowardliness(them fleeing into the deep woods and not fighting back). Second thing,unloyalty for leaving a wounded comrade in need of your help in battle. Only one person who did what loyal comrades do and stand by each other till the end of the war was Wiglaf. Also, Wiglaf is a grateful person. He remembered everything that Beowulf did for him . In Cantos 36, it states “How his king was suffering, burning. Remembering Everything his lord and cousin had given him”( Canto 36, Line 578-579). Wiglaf expressed his gratitude towards Beowulf for his kindness by risking his own life. That 's why Wiglaf is remember the most of out Beowulf man’s because of his loyalty, faithful and

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