The Pros And Cons Of Multicultural Society

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The combination of the best things in the world, the crystallization of culture and wisdom of people all over the world—that is a multicultural society, full of different languages, clothing, customs, and ways of thinking. To work together and learn from each other in order to make the world better, which is what the world should look like. Indeed, some people argue that there are lots of conflicts within multicultural societies like discrimination and terrorists. However, those are definitely occasional, and the mainstreams of multicultural societies are cooperation, integration, and development as a whole. “If you do not go outside, you will think this is the whole world” (Wang, 2015, ¶6). Knowing the world better is the most obviously …show more content…

There is a famous way of exchanging goods and culture in ancient China—“The Silk Road”. With heavy responsibilities, it tarted in BC 201 and connected Asia, Africa and Europe, which made lots of immigrates. Goods of Orient like silk, porcelain and jade delivered to the west, and the west merchandise like walnuts, carrots and grapes reached to the Orient. Missionaries, business men, envoy came as well to spread different cultures. With more choices in food, religions, goods, entertainments, clothing and thoughts, the economy got progressively better. Even countries were able to make better decisions based on anothers’ …show more content…

“The different populations are kept separate, or stay apart, either geographically or by having very few relations, even though they may live in the same area” (Aunaas, 2017, ¶1). For example, there was the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and Segregation in the south part of the United States in the last century. Part races and gender were being unequal treated. Furthermore, some people think that multicultural societies might cause certain groups lost their hallmarks. Whereas, events like these are getting rarer and rarer. People’s minds have changed, and the majority believe that everyone is equal on the world as they were educated. Meanwhile, it is not a bad thing for nations to lose some not appropriate costumes (like girdling the waist in ancient Europe or foot-binding in ancient China). The purpose of mixing nationalities is that making sure every group select the essence and discard the dross from

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