Beauty and Body Image

564 Words2 Pages

Look at all the images we see with tanned, shiny, thin bodies glowing and shimmering; the women with perfect jaw lines, makeup, and whose faces that never really age for many years that have passed them, yet they stay as beautiful as ever. Does any of it make sense or sounds familiar? The results lead to many women spending thousands of money and time to make themselves a beauty queen. Toddlers, teens, and women are drawn into what the media portrays of an ideal woman: unhealthy and its body image. We are so caught up with the media and it’s “perfection” we see in it, it is self destruction.
Toddlers and teens are being sexualized too much at a young age. They participate in beauty pageants. Their needs and wants are higher than usual, they want to look good, and act like a woman. One of their biggest dreams is to become a super model when they grow up. Everything they want to be is what they are seeing on TV and what we are as role models to them. According to the article Teen Health and the Media, “In a survey of girls 9 and 10 years old, 40% have tried to lose weight, according...

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