The Ancient Characters Of Artemisia, The Battle Of Salamis

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Born to King Lygdamis of Halicarnassus and to a Cretan mother who is unknown, Artemisia assumed the throne of Halicarnassus upon the death of her husband. While only taking the throne as a regent for her son Pisindelis, Artemisia became known as perspicacious female Admiral in the Persian Navy that practiced a spirit for adventure and acquired an appetite for warfare. Herodotus writes with admiration, “…Her brave spirit and manly daring sent forth to the war, when no need required her to adventure. Her name, as I said, was Artemisia.” During the Greco-Persian wars, Artemisia allied with the Persian king, Xerxes, as one of his Naval Commanders. Every ancient account of Artemisia depicts her as a brave and clever woman who was a valued asset After the Battle of Artemisium, the Greek fled to the Isle of Salamis. This created problems for the Persians. With the Greeks being so close, their port was limited which meant they could not supply their army that was heading to Isthmus of Corinth. Xerxes calls in his naval commanders and asks for guidance on whether to go to battle at sea to remove the Greeks from the Isle of Salamis. All were in favor of the naval battle besides Artemisia. She advised Xerxes to spare his ships and not go to battle at sea. He has already gained Athens, which was his objective. She suggested to him that he hold his fleets back because if he went to naval battle the outcome would not be in his favor. Those that knew Artemisia thought her advice would agitate Xerxes and those who envied her because of the honor she was showed over the other commanders, were excited thinking Xerxes would have her killed. Xerxes did neither, he took her advice with pleasure and admired her even more. Xerxes thought his absence at the Battle of Artemisium was the reason the Persians fought so horrible. So he ordered the naval battle to take place and made arrangements for himself to be He asked if he could stay behind with three hundred thousand troops to invade the Peloponnese and regain their worth while Xerxes returned home to safety. Xerxes took Mardonius’ offer into consideration and consulted trust worthy Artemisia on the subject. According to Herodotus, Artemisia replied with, “It is difficult, O king, to answer your plea for advice by saying that which is best, but in the present turn of affairs I think it best that you march back and that Mardonius, if he so wishes and promises to do as he says, be left here with those whom he desires. For if he subdues all that he offers to subdue and prospers in his design, the achievement, Sire, is yours since it will be your servants who have accomplished it. If, on the other hand, the issue is contrary to Mardonius ' expectation, it is no great misfortune so long as you and all that household of yours are safe; for while you and the members of your household are safe, many a time will the Greeks have to fight for their lives. As for Mardonius, if any disaster befalls him, it is does not much matter, nor will any victory of the Greeks be a real victory when they have but slain your servant. As for you, you will be marching home after the burning of Athens, which thing was the whole purpose of your expedition.” Xerxes was delighted with her advice, thanked Artemisia and asked her to take his sons to Ephesus for

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