Auditor's Role in Prevention and Detection of Payroll Fraud

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“It is always right to detect a fraud and to perceive a folly; but it is very often wrong to expose either. A man of business should always have his eyes open, but must often seem to have them shut.” (Stanhope). People are very weak when the power of money is involved. They believe that money is the answer to everyone’s problem. That is why they are easily attracted to commit fraud. This bad practice is still prevalent in the business world today. Business analysts say that it is already a part of the economic parlance. With the state of our global and local economy today, businesses and individuals suffer a decline in their financial resources. Employees are pressured not only because their finances are declining but also their morale is down and their job security is threatened. These factors contribute to the commission of fraudulent activities in the organization. Detecting fraud instantly is nearly impossible so it is very hard for a company’s management to identify the culprits outright. Some schemes are discovered after several years and when it has already damaged the company significantly. Internal control system in business is essential to ensure check and balance and good governance in order to avoid the risk of losses. Despite the existence of internal control systems, these are not consistently implemented. Usually, employees have the tendency to deviate from the standard policies and procedures set by management, or make use of shortcuts Internal auditors are necessary in the organization to ensure that policies and business processes are effectively implemented. They are vital in achieving organizational goals and used by management to safeguard the company’s resources, to evaluate the accura... ... middle of paper ... ...luding its corporate governance. Internal auditors also provide evaluations of operational efficiencies and will usually report to the highest levels of management on how to improve the overall structure and practices of the company. (Investopedia) Internal Control System – it is consists of all the policies and procedures adopted by the management of an entity to assist in achieving management’s objective of ensuring as far as practicable, the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to management policies, the safeguarding of assets, the prevention and detection of fraud and error, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information. (Ireneo, et al. 2009) Payroll Fraud – Works Cited

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