Attachment Theory on Socio-Emtionals Development of Children

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Attachment Theory: One of the most studied topics in today’s psychology is the attachment theory whose common references are from attachment models by Bowlby and Ainsworth. Since its introduction, the concept has developed to become one of the most significant theoretical schemes for understanding the socio-emotional development of children at an early stage. In addition, the theory is also developing into one of the most prominent models that guide parent-child relationships. Some of the key areas in these relationships that are guided by attachment theory include child welfare, parenting programs, daycare, head start programs, schools, and hospitals. Furthermore, attachment theory plays a crucial role as a concept that informs social work practice, especially with Aboriginal parents despite the fact that its applicability with Aboriginal people is yet to be established. For Aboriginal parents, attachment theory has mainly been applied in educational, prevention, and treatment programs in parent-child relationships. Due to its central role in child development, it’s important to understand attachment theory and its relevance to social work practice. Summary of Attachment Theory: As a widely recognized significant model for understanding individual development, attachment theory plays a crucial role in shaping our capacity for interpersonal relationships and the formation of our view of people around us and the world (Neckoway, Brownlee & Castellan, 2007, p.66). The theory was introduced by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who argued that attachment is biologically centered and represents the instinctual need for a dependable, continual relationship with a primary caregiver. This implies that a child may experience tr... ... middle of paper ... ... regarding the probable impact of individual’s experience of problematic parenting on his/her development. As a result, social workers can use the theory to identify necessary areas of support, lessen the probability of placement breakdown, and understand how service users engage with services. In conclusion, attachment theory is an important concept in understanding child development since it explains the role of emotional bond between the child and caregiver in development. This theory also provides a framework for understanding the impact of the larger social context on child development. As a result, it’s an important concept that can be used by social workers in various settings and cases. Social workers can use the theory after conducting several important steps in their work such as direct observation, information gathering, and evaluation of attachment.

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