Free Essays - The Tall Tale in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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The Tall Tale in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In Mark Twain's timeless American classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry

Finn, the narrator often finds himself in undesirable situations. These

situations, which are far-fetched even for the nineteenth-century, provide much

humor to the novel and demonstrate Huck's cunning. Huck's adept use of the tall

tale becomes a survival tool on this adventure.

In the novel, Huck sees lies as more of a practical solution to problems

than as a moral dilemma. He rationalizes that he has "never seen anybody but

lied, one time or another" (1). Unlike the lawless adventurer of the frontier,

Huck does not use his knack for selfish purposes. He, instead, uses his lies

strictly as a means of escaping misfortune and never for his own profit. At one

point in the story, Huck uses his skill to fabricate a story that keeps a skiff

of slave-hunters away from Jim: " 'Well, there's five niggers run off to-night,

up yonder above the head of the bend. Is your man white or black?'...'He's

white' " (110). Huck's tall tales are used for the survival of both Huck and

Jim, and Jim knows this.

Huck's stories are usually believed, but even when doubted, he manages

to change his fib just enough to make it believable. An example of this is when

he is caught as a stow-away on a raft and his original story is not believed by

the crew: "Now, looky-here, you're scared, and so you talk wild. Honest, now,

do you live in a scowl, or is it a lie?" (106). Huck then changes his story

just enough to make it believable, displaying his unique ability to adjust his

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