Book Report: The Assassination Of Julius Caesar

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Steven Hermosillo
Professor Duran
History 101
30 March 2016
“The Assassination of Julius Caesar” Book Report According to Michael Parenti, author of “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”, states that “the writing of history has long been a privileged calling undertaken within the church, royal court, landed estate, affluent town house, government agency, university, and corporate-funded foundation.” Parenti writes this because he wants to point out the way history is published and mentions the church, royal court, landed estate, and affluent town house as a way history is written. “On the fifteenth of March, 44 B.C., in a meeting hall adjacent to Pompey’s theater, the Roman Senate awaited the arrival of the Republic’s supreme commander, Julius …show more content…

Parenti’s examination of how “Gentlemen’s History” sheds light on socio-political realities in our own day. “On the fifteenth of March, 44 B.C., in a meeting hall adjacent to Pompey’s theater, the Roman Senate awaited the arrival of the Republic’s supreme commander, Julius Caesar…at a given signal, they began to slash at their prey with their knives, delivering fatal wounds” (Parenti). The assailants believed that they save the Roman Republic. The assassination of Julius Caesar marked a turning point in the history of Rome. “The Senate aristocrats killed Caesar because they perceived him to be a popular leader who threatened their privileged interests…an inquiry into this incident reveals something important about the nature of political rule, class power, and a people’s struggle for democracy and social justice—issues that are still very much with us” (Parenti). Caesar was killed due to the Senate aristocrats believing that Caesar threatened the aristocrats’ privileged interests. Parenti notes that “Historians are fond of saying that history reflects the age in which it is written…the history of seemingly remote events vibrate “to present needs and present situations.” History tends to repeat itself and history depends on the time or place that the history is happening. Parenti states that “My primary interest is not in Julius Caesar as an individual but in the issues of popular struggle and oligarchic power that were being played out decades before he was born, continuing into his life and leading to his death.” Parenti lets his audience know from the beginning of the book “The Assassination of Julius Caesar” is not a biography about Julius Caesar, but it is about the struggles and issues that occurred before Caesar was born and how it continued into his life and that lead to his death. To refer back to the hook, Parenti writes this because he wants to point out the way history

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