Evolution Of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence “is the ability of a human-made machine to emulate or simulate human methods for the deductive and inductive acquisition and application of knowledge and reason” (Bock, 182). The early years of artificial intelligence were seen through robots as they exemplified the advances and potential, while today AI has been integrated society through technology. The beginning of the thought of artificial intelligence happened concurrently with the rise of computers and the dotcom boom. For many, the utilization of computers in the world was the most advanced role they could ever see machines taking. However, life has drastically changed from the 1950s. This essay will explore the history of artificial intelligence, discuss the …show more content…

Through a robot body, one can utilize AI algorithms to portray individual thinking. The first general purpose robot is called Shakey. Developed at the Stanford Research Institute from 1966 to 1972, Shakey was the first robot to think in advance. For example, Shakey was able to understand a command such as turn off a light switch in a particular room. The robot would go through a corridor, find the room and then locate and turn off a light switch. Shakey could complete an action without the need of step-by-step instructions. The LISP software was used to program Shakey. The development of Shakey advanced AI concepts from the invention of the A search algorithm to the understanding of the full capabilities of robots. Shakey raised the public’s awareness of computer science and artificial intelligence in the 1970s. Shakey moved public thoughts to questioning what machines could and will do in the future. (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics , 2015) To further the public’s thoughts about machine intelligence is IBM’s Deep Blue Computer. Deep Blue won a chess competition against famous chess champion Garry Kasparov. Deep Blue’s win was one of the first real instances of the competition of humans versus …show more content…

Shyam Sankar, named by CNN as one of the world’s top ten leading speakers, says the key to AI evolvement is the improvement of human-computer symbiosis. Sankar believes humans should be more heavily relied upon in AI and technological evolvement. Sankar’s theory is just one of the many that will encompass the future innovations of AI. The next phase and future of AI is that scientists now want to utilize both human and machine strengths to create a super intelligent thing. From what history has taught us, the unimaginable is possible with determination. Just over fifty years ago, AI was implemented through robots completing a series of demands. Then it progressed to the point that AI can be integrated into society, seen through interactive interfaces like Google Maps or the Siri App. Today, humans have taught machines to effectively take on human jobs, and tasks that have created a more efficient world. The future of AI is up to the creativity and innovation of current society’s scientists, leaders, thinkers, professors, students and

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