Analysis Of Temptation

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In the article by Eric Wargo gives insight about temptation, but not the general interpretation of temptation, but more about an individual 's willpower to hold out for certain things. Temptation is a part of everyday life and I 'm sure there is not a day that goes by where someone is not tempted to say,do or think something. Also he questions whether it can be strengthened or whether it is something greater than we think.Throughout the article he presents the notion that willpower is something that everyone possesses, but not everyone is capable of actually following through and as a result they lack willpower. Eric Wargo gives his own opinions while also using others opinions to support his ideas. His main idea is that willpower is exerting …show more content…

For instance, when the author mentioned the Mischel study as well as the story about Phineas Gage, who was a railroad worker who had a traumatic accident where an iron rod passed through his front of his head damaging his frontal lobe.Another connection I made was the sentence where he says “Information about punishment and reward is vital to making sound decisions”.Which is something that makes complete sense because in the Psychology 102 study guide on page 57 Classical Conditioning which “occurs mostly with emotional responses: fear,delight,and disgust”. Also on page 57, Oparent Conditioning which has four variations ; Negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement , punishment, and negative punishment each of which was used in the marshmallow study. Something that I have learned that goes against the author 's ideas is that Operant conditioning is the learning the consequences of one 's behavior, but he does not develop the idea if the person who 's going through …show more content…

For those who don 't know body shaming is simply judging someone solely on their bodies physical appearance. In a recent video provided by abc News it shows a group of women who discuss how they needed willpower to get through weight loss. They each give emotional responses about how they would go into fitting rooms and cry because something didn 't fit or how some women actually went through the trouble of having to buy an extra plane ticket because they were “too big” for one seat. The video continues on with them saying how when they started their weight loss journey many received criticism from social media and even loved ones. They made it a priority to live a healthier life not only for them but also to show others what they were capable of. I personally believe that because they continued to have willpower they proved everyone wrong by losing as much as 50-100 pounds. Body shaming is something that no one should have to go through especially if it gets to the point where someone loses confidence in themselves. But because of media the ideal woman that we see in magazines and on television are the 6’0 ft , slim built , thin, blonde hair blue eyed women. So it actually becomes easy for people to body shame someone because we have become conditioned to seeing this certain type of person when it comes down to seeing something different we

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