The Importance Of Normality In Society

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Girls dancing ballet in their pink tutus, boys getting down and dirty playing baseball, all of which these sports are considered normal in our society according to their gender. But as soon as a girl wants to play ice hockey, that is out of the ordinary. Saleem’s main idea is to challenge society’s ideal expectations of what it means to be normal and not give up. I agree with Saleem to test society’s assumption on defining what normal is and not quit. When I was seven years old, I would always play Pokémon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Naruto cards, Hot wheels all which seemed to be not normal for a seven year old girl in society’s eyes. One time this girl at recess asked me if I wanted to play Barbie’s with her and I said no that I was fine playing with my Yu-Gi-Oh cards, she looked at me all weird. She told me that a girl our age playing with boy toys was not common. For a seven year old girl normal would be playing with Barbie’s, Bratz, or playing house. Saleem mentions that sometimes we change our way of being to be normal around others. He also states that simply if we don’t see what’s around us, it’s not normal. Lastly, he mentions ordinary for us is a construction we have been exposed to. Now I will talk about how sometimes people change their way to be normal around others and believe it is ordinary. People at times may …show more content…

Saleem states “Just like the color blue for Ancient Greeks, minorities are not part of what we consider normal, because normal is simply a construction of what we’ve been exposed to, and how visible it is around us.” He is saying that everything normality for us is built on what we have seen throughout the ages. We define normal as to be something we grew up seeing, like in my case with the Pokémon cards and all the boy cards. Seeing a girl play what Barbie’s are what we have been exposed to and not with Pokémon cards or any type of boy

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