Arbitration Case Study Solution

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I: The issue in this case is that Ruben de la Garza was discharged from his employer Horton Automatics, because of a workplace-rule violation. Therefore, Ruben decided to appeal to arbitration.
R: Arbitration is the most widely used Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) technique. The parties bring their dispute in front of an arbitrator, that can be a third party, that tries to solve the disputes outside the courts. Most state have statutes under which arbitration clause will be enforced.
A: Arbitration happened in this case because the parties agreed through the collective bargaining agreement between Horton Automatics and the Industrial Division of the Communications Worker of America. The collective bargaining agreement limited
Richard files a suit against Dan for libel.
R: The law of defamation is supposed to protect people's reputations from actions that turn against the honor of another. State laws often define defamation in specific ways. Defamation law refers to the Common Law. If there is a defamation suit, most people focus on whether or not something is defamatory. When the statements are written, they are considered libel, or spoken defamation is called slander. But there is another, more important way to look at it: whether you have a right to say it or not. If you have the right you will have a legal defense.
A: Assuming that it was defamatory, Richard will have to prove the falsehood of the statements made by Dan in court. Defamation is a civil wrong, consisting of statements, oral or written, that injure someone else’s reputation. A defamatory statement that has been said or wrote by a person, can be sued by the person who has been defamed. In general, not every insult or false statement is accusable. Normally, a plaintiff suing for defamation will have to show that the statement was published, not privileged, that the statement was false and harmful to the person. General damages are presumed as a matter of law and are designed to compensate the plaintiff for dishonor in the eyes of the community and emotional distress. If Richard can prove that he has been turned down for a job because of Dan’s false statement, then he will win the lawsuit and will be

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