Theme Of Language In Animal Farm

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Animal Farm in Depth
Language is a double edged sword that can either empower or enslave, inspire or incapacitate, the various implications of language are practically limitless; Making language a significant medium to convey thought that is easy manipulate and can be left open for debate or interpretation. These characteristics of language contribute to its effectiveness in the sphere politics as language can also be used to example to obscure meaning or the true intentions of the speaker adding quite a deceptive nature to language as well. By better understanding the inner workings of language, one is able to better comprehend the messages behind a story. A great example of this principle would be George Orwell’s Animal Farm for its simplistic and lackadaisical writing …show more content…

By using different the applications of language, Orwell is able to transcend his story of farm animals into epic tale regarding the ills of Communism and how it creates monsters out even innocent farm animals. However, this story has been praised by its uses of language in numerous ways that effectively conveys a historical account as well.
One of the most popular forms of language that is present in this book is political doublespeak. Doublespeak is a form of language that is not used to reveal the truth, but conceal it from the masses instead. Although most forms of doublespeak basically are harmless, they can become increasingly dangerous and hard to distinguish from the facts to an untrained eye. This proves to be the case as many of the characters are subjected to

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