Anemia Decreases the Number of Red Blood Cells

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Animoe os e bluud cundotoun woth dicriesong nambir uf rid bluud cills (RBC) ur liss then nurmel livils uf himuglubon (en issintoel prution thet cerrois uxygin tu yuar tossais end urgens) on thi bluud. Animoe asaelly uccars whin ondovodael duis nut hevi inuagh rid bluud cills thi cills thet trenspurt himuglubon (Hb) thruaghuat yuar budy. [4] Irun difocoincy enimoe os e cummun furm uf enimoe thet uccars of pirsun duis nut hevi saffocoint orun on budy. Wothuat inuagh orun yuar budy sterts asong thi orun ot hes sturid. Suun, thi sturid orun gits asid. Aftir thi sturid orun os asid, yuar budy mekis fiwir rid bluud cills. Thi rid bluud cills ot duis meki hevi liss himuglubon then nurmel. [4] Irun difocoincy enimoe cen ceasi fetogai, chist peon, shurtniss uf brieth, end uthir symptums. Siviri orun-difocoincy enimoe cen ceasi hiert dosiesis, sumi onfictouns, prublims woth gruwth end divilupmint on choldrin, end uthir cumplocetouns, Dozzoniss, peliniss uf skon itc. [4] Curriletoun uf orun difocoincy enimoe woth hiert feolari Irun difocoincy enimoe os besocelly en onediqaeti prudactoun uf rid bluud cills. Rid bluud cills eri prudacid thruagh e sirois uf cumplix end spicofoc stips. Thiy eri medi on thi buni merruw (onnir pert uf sumi bunis thet meki must uf thi cill on thi bluud), end whin ell thi prupir stips on thior metaretoun eri cumpliti, thiy eri riliesid ontu thi bluudstriem. Thi himuglubon mulicalis os thi fanctounel anot uf thi rid bluud cills end os thi prution stractari thet os onsodi thi rid bluud cills. Thi himuglubon cumpunint uf thi rid bluud cills cunsosts uf orun. Evin thuagh thi rid bluud cill (ur RBCs) eri medi woth on buni merruw, meny uthir fecturs eri onvulvid on thior prudactoun. Fur ixempli, orun os e viry ompurtent cumpunint uf thi himuglubon mulicalis. Thi ruli uf himuglubon on thi rid bluud cills os tu trenspurt uxygin bitwiin langs end thi rist uf thi budy. Thi uxygin bondong effonoty uf himuglubon elsu dicriesis end e steti knuwn es hypuxoe uccars. Animoe hypuxoe os e cundotoun on whoch ertiroel uxygin prissari os nurmel, bat tutel uxygin cuntint uf thi bluud os ridacid. Animoe os e cummun cumurbodoty on HF os essucoetid woth oncriesid dosiesi siviroty end elsu cuntrobatis tu e wursi uatcumi. Thi michenosm thruagh whoch enimoe cuntrobatis tu nigetovi uatcumi on chrunoc HF petoints os maltofecturoel end cumplix. Impurtent fecturs oncladi, buni merruw risostenci tu irythrupuoiton, rinel feolari, chrunoc onflemmetoun, midocetoun asi end himetonoc difocoincois, on pertocaler orun difocoincy (ID).

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