Analysis Of Anthem For Doomed Youth And Insensibility

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Wilfred Owen World War I was considered one of the greatest Wars in history. Throughout this time period, the reactions and effects of the war were translated into poetry. One such author, Wilfred Owen, used his experiences while fighting in the war to bring to light the horrors of it. Two of his most recognized poems, “Anthem for Doomed Youth” and “Insensibility”, reflect the reality of the fear of death and fighting which were present in the soldiers during the war. For many of the soldiers who fought in the war, their lives would be tormented from the effects the war had on them. By the end of the war, Owen had faced the many horrors of the war and as a result, had developed some psychological disorders. One of these disorders was known …show more content…

At this point, Owen had faced the death of many of his comrades, and each time his thoughts were the same. “…not that they have died in vain, but that they have died without ceremony” (Cash). Owen believed the war to be one which was fought in vain. While these men were risking their lives for their country, they did not fully understand why they were fighting. This war would take everything from them, including their ability to have a proper funeral. Owen goes through his poem defining the different feelings the men are capable of feeling due to the “insensibility” of the war. In stanza II, Owen states one of the biggest problems the men seem to face, “And some cease feeling. Even themselves or for themselves” (Owen). The horror of the war has left the men feeling numb. They no longer believe they are capable of making it out alive or if they have the ability to help their comrades save themselves. They have become immune to the horrors of the war, however; it has left them empty and lost. In stanza III, Owen goes on to explain how those who have lost their imagination are deemed insensible. During war, imagination was considered a burden, and those without it were got through the war in a different way. They no longer feared the sight of bullets or their …show more content…

Owen’s poem, “Anthem of Doomed Youth”, portrays the idea of the men going to war and dying on the battlefield. At this point in the war, Owen suggests all hope is lost. He writes, “No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells…” (Owen). Not only have the men lost all hope, they have also lost their religion. The idea of their funeral being a religious ceremony is considered to be a “mockery” (Mangan). During this time period, religion was still considered to be one of the most important things which people believed in. When, saying the people no longer believe in one of these crucial things suggests they are at the end of their life. As each day passes, they lose a bigger piece of themselves, or their humanity. It is possible the men will soon face larger losses than they imagined, such as their family and friends who have escaped the horrors of fighting on the war front. Owen suggests the outcome of every soldier who is going to war by using light and dark imagery. Instead of hoping for a bright future, Owen sees nothing but darkness. “And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds” (Owen). The only sense of hope for Owen is featured in this last line. “…Owen envisions them leaving the world slowly…a kind of slow death” (Constantakis). While they have lost the hope, of a better future, they have become accustomed to hoping they will die before they have to spend

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