Analysis Of You Were Created To Become Like Christ

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Warren opens this section called PURPOSE #3 You Were Created to Become Like Christ with Chapter 22: Created to Become like Christ teaching that God created us in His image. We are called to shine His image and light into the world. We are similar to God in that we are spiritual, intellectual and relational beings. All people are born with a moral conscious. Christ was sent to restore our image of God and to remind us of why and how we were created. Christ is our connection to God. He is our standard of how we try to grow closer toward becoming more like God. Understanding that we will never reach this destination does not mean that we don 't aspire toward that path. Character development, not personality alteration, is God 's ultimate goal
Knowing Christ 's character traits help us chose correctly. By looking at the fruits of the spirit as the 9 qualities that we all should show to be like Christ, helps us make the right choices in life. God develops and ripens these fruits by allowing us to experience temptations where we are faced with either growing more loving, patient, full of joy, grace, knowledge, self-control, etc, or by growing in the opposite direction. Life is a choice and God uses circumstances to teach us what He needs us to learn. Joy is based on our relationship to God and is not to be equated with happiness which is based on circumstances. The fruits of the spirit are developed in us as we become closer to Christ. Chaos and Peace, lies and truth, irritation and patience, are all opposites and signs we are either growing closer or further from our Master’s desire for us. Satan is predictable, he wishes to trip us up and use our weaknesses. First, he uses a specific pattern to do this in our lives, and one needs to be able to recognize it. He finds a desire inside of us, he suggest with a thought that we should pursue it, it starts in the mind and moves into the heart. Satan then will try to get us to doubt God’s word and plan for us. Next, Satan will lie to us to get us to believe that it will be okay and tries to convince us that there is no real consequence. Lastly, the temptation leads us into disobedience and traps us in the sin. To overcome temptation one needs to refuse to become intimidated in the first place. Understanding that we will never outgrow temptation helps us learn it is a process to become strong against Satan. Temptation from Satan is actually to be seen as a compliment because it is a sign that Satan hates those who are followers of Christ, is fearful of those trying to make a difference for Christ, and is

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