The Character Analysis Of Face It By Yusef Kounyakaa

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The character that stood out was the speaker Yusef Komunyakaa 's he is also the writer of the poem called “Face It”. The speaker himself endures mistreatment especially growing up during the Civil Rights Era. It was a privilege for an African-American to be able to fight in the war or to be selected to fight through a draft. He probably had seen everything from segregation between blacks and whites to ever innocent black men losing their lives. It takes a lot of courage to write about his experience during the Vietnam War. The speaker was the voice for the victims and the survivors of the war; he honored them in his own special way by creating this poem, he represented the minority who fought in the war by using his unique character traits. …show more content…

Believe it or not, the very short lines of the poem he wrote always made an impact in society. His personality traits would be described as a passionate and non-judgmental. When you take the poem that he wrote “Face it”, one particular phrase that took caught the reader’s attention is “outside/inside the wall, now/then, reality/illusion and life/death”. (Komunyakaa1309). According to the speaker, he has not yet come to terms with the outcome of the war, and that it was a brutal and despicable way to take a human life. The speaker himself could never find closure with the Vietnam War. He felt as though he had an obligation to the victims to remember them and memorialize them. This poem was the only way to go public about his feeling and to express his opinion, especially when he is one of the minority …show more content…

The memorials symbolize the men that fought and served in the war and who was honored for the great worked they accomplished. The direction that the poet was trying to give the reader a critical and lyrical feeling about the poem, why, a reader may ask because the poet took a serious look and dissected his thoughts. The poet was very lyrical and straight forward about the Vietnam memorial. The Vietnam memorial is a symbol for a soldier who fought in the war.
To conclude the speaker of Yusef Komunyakaa’s in “Face It” is an influential person, not just for the veterans but everyone in society. His poem wasn’t only geared toward veterans, but also the minority populations which are African-American. Growing up as an African – American was not easy for him; they didn’t have equality like society claims to have today. The Vietnam War was a symbol, a perfect symbol to show how the world was evolving slowly but shortly and changing. The speaker was the voice for the victims and the ones who had a connection to the

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