Analysis Of Gordimer's Short Story A Beneficiary By James Joyce

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Professional Response 1: Although, I find the ending somewhat predictable, I would use Gordimer’s short story, “A Beneficiary,” to highlight how the author uses figurative language and rhetorical devices to develop characterization. Not only did I enjoy examining the protagonist’s journey to enlightenment, I also appreciated studying how Gordimer utilizes certain figures and strategic devices to bring the deceased mother to life. For instance, Charlotte notes that her mother, Laila “had baptized herself professionally” as an actress since she lied about her age, her name, and her marriage (568), suggesting that she worshipped the superficial and the artificial just like her career. This concept is reinforced as Charlotte and her friends clean out Laila’s apartment and one her carries on about “the …show more content…

Joyce surrounds the young protagonist with the darkest imagery as develops the exposition of the story. For instance, North Richmond Street, where the boy lives is “blind,” and “the short days of winter” darkened the streets where he and the other neighbor boys play making the houses seem “somber” (Joyce 741). However, all is not dark in the lad’s life, well not at first. Joyce’s use of light in association with Mangan’s sister, creates a sense of hope for this boy who is covered in darkness. In fact, whenever she appears she is bathed in light. For example, Joyce first describes her “waiting” for the boys, “her figure defined by the light” (741), and later while protagonist speaks with her about Araby, he notices that “the light from the lamp opposite [the] door caught the white curve of her neck; lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing” (Joyce 742); she truly is the light of his life. In addition, Joyce could be hinting at her innocence and purity present in

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