Conflict Theory In The Real Slumdogs

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a. Conflict Theory / pg. 27: A theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources. In the movie “The Real Slumdogs” the many people of Dharavi work hard to survive in their slum. There are many businesses and other ways to make a living all in this very small area. Some examples of work in this slum are sorting garbage to find plastic to recycle, making pottery, and cooking bread to sell to the masses. Dharavi has a population around one million people. This is a large amount of people who rely on Dharavi as a place to live, learn, and earn a living. The conflict theory that presented itself in this movie is that wealthy people have put a very large price on the real estate Dharavi …show more content…

Throughout the entire film when you see society in Dharavi they were constantly working and on the move. In the video there was people walking up and down the street, cooking bread, picking through garbage, studying, and making pottery. As a whole the people who live in the slum are extremely hard working. Their life depends on this hard work and they know that. The society we live in is not like this. For most of our society, if we do not have to work a day we don 't. We have the option to do that and very many of us take it for granted. We do not have to walk miles everyday just to get water that isn 't sanitary. We do not have to pick through garbage in unsafe conditions to make a living. In comparison to the people of Dharavi our society seems kind of lazy in my eyes. Some of us can sleep the entire day away and not think twice of it. Some kids have the option to live with their parents well into their twenties and not have to pay a single bill, but the people of Dharavi would not survive if they did not work. The people of Dharavi have so little yet work so hard in life, when we have so much and in comparison to them we work so little. Seeing the conditions they live in and the motivation they have to get up and work hard everyday is extremely motivating to me as a kid. I do not want to be someone that takes everything America has to offer for granted when there are kids over there living in a slum that will never experience these luxuries. 306

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