Essay On Pocahontas

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When many people mention Pocahontas the first thing that comes to mind is the Disney movie. Like many movies they stem from many true facts and sometimes tailor it to only portray what they want or sometimes they don’t have all the real facts. One thing that can be said is that “She came to symbolize for white Americans the possibility of cultural unity, for many Native American’s she symbolizes the loss of traditional culture.” (Barrett 2005) Pocahontas was just a nickname given to her as a child. Her actual Native American name “Matoaka” was born in 1596 in Werowocomoco, which was by present day Jamestown, Virginia. (Barrett 2005) Her father was Powhatan, who was chief of the Powhatans. The Powhatans had one principle leader of the towns …show more content…

In 1613 embarks the next major chapter in Pocahontas’s life. She was kidnapped by Captain named Samuel Argall. Pocahontas was betrayed by what she thought were her friends in Patawomeck. She was told that they were invited to go aboard a British ship named “Treasurer” and take a tour. During this tour she came onboard and the ship sailed off to Jamestown. Captain Argall planned to use her as ransom for exchange of the prisoners that were taken by her father. Powahatan released the prisoners and sent them with corn and some tools but refused to send their weapons which in turn made the British keep Pocahontas. During her imprisonment she was taught English and ended up converting over to Christianity. While she was leaning Christianity Pocahontas met John Rolfe. After she converted over to Christianity she was able to get married to her love Rolfe after she was baptized and given the name “Rebecca” After her marriage she gave birth to a son named Thomas. The Rolfe family moved to England in 1616 and was used to gain peace and used by the Virginia Company of London. In 1617 they moved back to Jamestown, and on their journey back she became sick and passed

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