Social Theoression Theory: Social Penetration Theory

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Sitting in their favorite coffee shop Rachel, Ross, Joey, Monica, and Phoebe were reminiscing about the old days when they used to live within walking distances from one another. Living in different cities and leading busy lives they had not seen each other in months. Their chatter came to a halt as Chandler pranced in late. With two babies at home and rush hour traffic everyone cheerfully welcomed Chandler in understandably (1. Attribution Theory, Haun 57). Joey was the first to run straight to Chandler with a familiar bear hug, "man, I missed you, roomie!" “I missed you too Joe, bear hugs just aren 't the same over the phone,” Chandler said. After passing around hugs and small talk Chandler blurted out, “I am really glad we decided to …show more content…

"Joey I 'm sorry, I didn 't mean I didn 't miss you guys. I am just not feeling connected to you guys by surface level small talk. Actually, because I miss you guys so much I want to have deeper connective conversations (7.Social Penetration Theory, Haun 63). Tell me your dreams and what keeps you up at night. Not that passive surface level stuff (8. Entry phase, Haun 48).” "Then we can paint our toenails and braid our hair!" Chandler proclaimed sarcastically with an overly large grin. After Rachel swatted Chandler with her magazine she looked admiringly at her husband. "Ross that was beautiful. I agree, an intimate disclosure of our feelings and attitudes (9. Personal Phase, Haun 48) would be so refreshing compared to the boring ritualistic office small talk I 'm used to.” Rachel assured. Phoebe became eager to break the tension, so she took control. “Okay no fighting, Ross is right we need to be protective of our friendship. I never want to take you guys for granted.” “Honestly as much as I mess around and keep people at a distance with my jokes, you 're right Pheebs. You guys are the people I want to do that with the least.” Chandler …show more content…

Discrepancy Arousal-positive, Haun 50). It is my pleasure to keep these hooligans in line.” With eyebrows raised Monica said, “so nobody ever took me up on my offer to have the dinner at my house.” “Well that’s because dinner 's always at your house,” explained Phoebe. Monica combated, “if it 's at my house I 'll make everyone’s favorite mashed potato recipe(13. Promises, Haun 56)!” “Yes!” Everyone shouted in unison, turning many heads in the process. Then it 's decided, we will have the intentional dinner at my house!” Everyone began to nod with firm satisfied smiles. There was finally a solution (14. Reinforcement, Haun 78). Rubbing his belly Joey expressed, "I haven 't had my mother 's mashed potato recipe in weeks. Let 's have the dinner tonight!" Everyone agreed in unison and they all clanked their coffee mugs and proclaimed, “to intentionality and mashed potatoes!” Thinking out loud Joey muttered under his breath, “I need to call my girlfriend so she can come have mashed potatoes too!” Everyone heard and stopped in their tracks with disbelief. Joey unknowingly kept whistling his way towards the

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