Similarities Between Tree Of Knowledge And Fahrenheit 451

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“Tree of Knowledge” and Fahrenheit 451 Comparison
“And the Lord said, ‘But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (KJV Gen. 2:17).’” In history there has always been a debate on whether or not knowledge is helpful or harmful, and such is the debate in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a story in which society has banned books and shunned learning so all citizens will be oblivious to the nuclear war the government is raging in their own land. This is also the message in one of the most famous biblical stories in history, the story of Adam, Eve, and the Tree of Good and Evil which opened the eyes of Adam and Eve to see their own sins. The poem “Tree of Knowledge” by Bee Lovett quickly summarizes the story from Adam’s point of view. Both Fahrenheit 451 and “Tree of Knowledge” depict man 's struggle between being inquisitive and gaining knowledge, but having the knowledge open his eyes to the unfortunates of the world around him, and staying blissfully ignorant like their oppressive influence wants them to. They both show the consequences of gaining knowledge and of staying ignorant, and why both gaining knowledge and staying ignorant help the …show more content…

They both depict man 's struggle between being inquisitive and gaining knowledge, show the consequences of gaining knowledge and of staying ignorant, and they both show why both gaining knowledge and staying ignorant help the oppressive forces gain power over the human race. “But why does it matter? Either way both the wise characters and the ignorant characters end up saddened from their knowledge of the despicable world or dead from their own ignorance,” a reader may ask. The answer is it shows humanity; not to stay ignorant to the world around, but do not stay pridefully ignorant with many

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