Persuasive Essay On Fast Food

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America is the world’s largest least in pant size. People, over the years, have become more unhealthy weight wise than ever before in the past. Since 1980 the average weight of American citizens has skyrocketed (Taubes,Gary “As obesity rates rise, experts struggle to explain why.”). Children, adolescents, and adults have all fallen under the term obese as the number on the scale rises. 22.5% of America’s population is clinically obese; compared to the 1980s this is a drastic increase that seems to be stopping no time soon (Taubes,Gary). A lot of researchers believe that it is the overweight person 's fault for gaining so much weight. But in reality, in the majority of overweight people, that is not the case. There are many factors …show more content…

Most fast food places have a dollar menu, where customers can find themselves feeding a family of five for under fifteen dollars. People with low income jobs, or a bigger family may find that the extra money they save is more important than eating a healthy sustainable diet. The food options that are more healthy typically range higher in prices. For low income families that want to eat healthy, they may think that they can order a “healthy” option off of a fast food menu, such as a salad or chicken breasts. However, these so called healthy choices are actually not so healthy. At the fast food restaurant McDonald’s there is a dollar menu that consists of several unhealthy options masked as healthy choices that are filled with calories. McDonald’s salad and other items that most would consider healthy are, in fact, the opposite. They are filled with calories and carbohydrates in their dressings that are actually more unhealthy for you than most items off of their dollar menu. McDonald’s chicken breasts are also falsely advertising, too. This meat is filled with hormones, and often times the “meat” is artificial. McDonald’s is not the only one who has false advertising. Other restaurants that have these faux healthy similar choices are: Zaxby’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, …show more content…

Healthy choices are hard to find, especially when the item’s ingredients are given a look. Items that appear to be healthy can be filled with unnecessary hormones, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and other harsh chemicals. Fresh produce is typically higher in price too. With these items being more expensive, and with a shorter shelf life, most individuals would much rather buy that more appealing cheap box of Poptarts that requires no preparation or time besides opening the package. Most people do not have time in their day to check every single label on the back of a box of food to check if the item is healthy, especially with school, work, and families to deal with. They also do not have time to prepare three whole meals during the day, or have the money to do so. With low wage, other people to feed, and other necessary items of living needed to be bought, it is nearly impossible to be a healthy

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