Conflicts And Personality In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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When one thinks about wars and conflicts, they may think about why it began in the first place. A common reason why most wars and conflicts have occurred is because of the emotions and feelings involved. In order to prevent feelings to become involved in a situation like this, feelings should be completely erased from human nature to keep a stable society. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, there exists a society where feelings, history, and parents are completely irrelevant. The reason why the society within the novel chooses to live without these is to obtain a “perfect” stable society. They believe that life with any of this can cause conflicts, wars, and insanity. However, I feel that social stability is not worth sacrificing real feelings and emotional attachments. “Community, Identity, Stability.” This is the motto of the emotionless society, the World State. The people of the …show more content…

This is heavily enforced upon the citizens by Mustapha Mond, one of the world controllers. He believes that feelings are worth sacrificing for a stable society. He also believes that people belong in different social statuses because it is necessary for a society that is stable, which is the reason for the caste system. The Director of Hatcheries is an authority figure of the World State, so he believes that these sacrifices are of value it to keep their society sane. The director discusses what our world is like compared to theirs and states, “Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy” (Huxley 41). He then questions how our world can be stable with all the emotions interfering with our society. However, they don’t realize what they are sacrificing for and if it’s even worth the price. A stable society were conflicts rarely occur and everyone is

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