Hypnoaedic Values In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Within the book, Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, the author critiques his society in a way that can be seen throughout events in the book. Aldous specifically analyzes the idea of an individual throughout the book from hypnoaedic lessons, the adventure through the reserves idea of an individual, and mindless happiness to along with the frustrations of John the Savage. To begin with hypnoaedic lessons, young children are taught the values of society while sleeping. One of the main lessons taught throughout the hypnoaedic refers to the identity as useless, and the society as the most important figure. Within the rising action of the plot, Lenina and Bernard view the society of the reservation as having quite a few differences when referring …show more content…

Through hypnoaedic teachings, reservation contrasts to the “Civilized” world, and John’s critique of the society, the reader sees Huxley’s point of view of the importance of an individual. With hypnoaedic teachings, Huxley creates the society and the values. Inside the reservation, Huxley contrasts the society of the reservation to that of Lenina’s society. Finally Huxley’s main evaluation and critique of lack of identity is seen in John’s character. John’s horrid descriptions in his point of view on society demonstrate to the reader the importance of an individual. Since there were absolutely no conscious men or women throughout society, ideas of ignoring death, God, and beauty creates a world where men and women sacrifice true happiness (Where pain and hard work are involved for a greater happiness) for a “smooth running society.” The picture of the society to the reader is horrifying and quite terrifying. Overall, within our society, the importance of the individual is not a problem. People, even teenagers, are encouraged to show who they are inside. One can truly see the idea of the importance on individual through the new openness to different sexualities. Overall, within the book, Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, Huxley demonstrates the need for conscious individuals through a horrifying

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