The Age Of Ideologies And Church History

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This course, Church History II, has been very insightful and informational. The history of the church is full of intricate nuances. The Age of Ideologies represents a period in church history that ran from 1914 through today. Through the struggle as world powers fight for political, military, and economic supremacy, Christians throughout the world have been forced to reconsider what was important and necessary for the church to grow and endure change, while staying true to the mission and message of the church. From reading the textbook, “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley, in this paper I will discuss a few aspects of The Age of Ideologies as it relates to church history. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German government and leader of the Nazis. The Nazis, under Hitler’s rule, believed unifying all German people to create a super-community. From the text, I gleaned that the Nazi’s developed the anti-Semitic doctrine, a dogma that …show more content…

This came for America at the end of World War II, and as a result evangelical Christianity returned to prominence. At this time, a young preacher from North Carolina named Billy Graham started his ascent to notoriety in the renewed evangelical movement. Billy Graham, serving as an evangelist, led massive crusades to bring lost souls to the church. More than an introducing people to an ideology or a denomination, Graham was most interested in evangelizing and leading people to Jesus Christ, God’s sacrificial lamb for mankind. Through his work in this area, he was able to assist in uniting the two largest evangelical organizations, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the American Council of Christian Churches. The Continuation Committee for World Evangelism was created. Their goal was, “to encourage and assist where necessary in the formation of regional and national committees to advance world evangelism in every area (Shelley

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