Affects Of Air Pollution

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Polluted air in general contains one or more hazardous substances that create hazards for the health of living individuals. Pollutants within the air are measured in terms of particulate matter (PM); or the number of particles of potentially hazardous substances as a percentage of air. Outdoor air pollutants can create acid rain, which affects the environment and depletion of the ozone layer by chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's), which increases the risk of skin cancer and cataracts in human individuals. Indoor air pollution seems to have more of a significant affect on health than outdoor air pollution; considering the fact that most people spend more of their time indoors than out (1). Many indoor pollutants include carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke, radon gas, animal dander, mercury vapor, consumer products that release chemicals into the air, bacteria, mold and a huge indoor pollutant; lead. Pollution of the air can affect our health in two ways which are categorized as both short term and long term effects. Short term effects are irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. Upper respiratory infections, like bronchitis and pneumonia as well as having headaches, allergic reactions, nausea and aggravating individuals with asthma and emphysema are all short term effects. An example of all these short term symptoms occurred in London in 1952, four thousand people died in a few days due to the high concentrations of pollution. This tragedy was called the "Smog Disaster"(2). Long term affects of air pollution are; chronic heart disease, respiratory disease, lung cancer, damage to the nerves, brain, liver and kidneys. The continued long term exposure of pollution in the air can have drastic affects on the lungs of growing children and may a... ... middle of paper ... ...n children since their central and nervous systems are just starting to develop. The overall affects of air pollution and exposure to lead poisoning are topics that we as a society need to take action upon. If we do not start taking steps now to be more conscious about our health and the damage that we are doing to our environment then there will be no hope for future generations of the human race to come or for our environment and world to survive. REFERENCES (1) A. Nadakavukaren, Our Global Environment: A Health Perspective (Prospect Heights. IL: Waveland Press, 1995, 463-464) (2) A. Nadakavukaren, Our Global Environment: A Health Perspective (Prospect Heights. IL: Waveland Press, 1995, 476-477) (3) "Lead and Your Kids." Newsweek July,1991: 45 (4) "Lead and Your Kids." Newsweek July, 1991: 45 (5) "Lead and Your Kids." Newsweek July,1991: 43

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