The Importance Of Academic Dishonesty

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Academic dishonesty always had been and always will be a problem. Anytime there is a way to ensure someone cannot cheat a system, there will be a new way to evade the rules. Solving the problem of how someone cheats, does not solve the fact that the person wants to cheat. Technology has greatly increased the way we ensure academic integrity and as it progresses it will continue to make the possibility of academic integrity more plausible, but does not make all students want to follow the life of integrity. We will discuss how academic dishonesty has changed and how it has stayed the same, how technology helps and hurts dishonesty, what teachers can do to combat the problems in the classroom, how digital citizenship plays into academic integrity, …show more content…

So, how can I as a teacher fight off the evil spirits of dishonesty? Well, Denise Pope offers 5 different ways to grow students of integrity.
1. Teach your students about the concept (2). Tell them what it is, tell them how they can avoid it, and tell them the consequences of it (2).
2. Emphasize the need for learning of material over grades in the class (2). If a student thinks that his or her life depends on the grade they get in the class, the likelihood of heating increases drastically. Another great idea to go along with this is to provide a very detailed and easy to follow rubric so that students know exactly how to get an “A” without cheating. Be more specific in your word choice and descriptions, instead of saying “show college level writing” describe what college level writing is.
3. Show your students you care (2). Don’t just through these ideas at students and let them decide for themselves, be available, talk through what they have, be willing to make sure that they know exactly what they did and that they have successfully avoided any sort of cheating or plagiarism. Provide study guides so that students are less likely to search for the test online or steal answers from …show more content…

This verse is used for so many different concepts. It can be used for relationships, actions, and moral standard. IN this case, it is both used for actions and moral standard. Before I proceed to do or say anything I try to think, is it true? Is it honorable, right, or pure? Is it lovely or worthy of praise? If it isn’t than it is not what God wants from us. I do not think, and many would agree with me, that cheating in any sense is good, right, honorable, pure, or

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