The Role Of Women In William Faulkner's Barbie Doll

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Social restrictions have always been placed on women even today. The role of women is much different today than it was in the past. Women were not allowed to make major decisions in the family and were expected to submit in all things to the husband; they could not own anything and they were expected to stay home and do housework. In William Faulkner story “A Rose for Emily” has many subtle details that reveal that woman being treated as a lesser and with injustice has always happened and throughout the telling of Miss Emily Grierson’s life, you get a good look at it. For instance, the narrator reveals that “the town remembers all the young men her father had driven away” (Faulkner 732). This gives us insight into the way the female has long …show more content…

The Barbie is a plastic, man-made female toy, which has perfect facial symmetry, unnatural body dimensions, and perfectly unblemished white skin. In Chris Semansky’s Overview of “Barbie Doll,” he explains that the Barbie “is invented to show women have been socialized into thinking of their bodies and behavior in relation to a male-controlled idea” (Semansky). The title directly alludes to the Barbie toy, which represents a design of a man-made construction of the female image that shows an unnatural human form that could only exist inside the imagination of men. Throughout both “Barbie Doll” and “The Birthmark” you will find the female protagonists seeking an ultimately perfect form, free of the characteristics that those around them see as unworthy. It is as if they are chasing the blueprint of perfection that is present in the Barbie. The original Barbie came with three outfits a bathing suit, a tennis outfit, and a wedding dress (Semansky). Her outfits clearly symbolize restrictions forced on female privilege, identity, and autonomy, where “she embodies the ideals and values of her middle-class American community” who expect her to “spend her days at the country club and her afternoons cooking dinner for her husband” (Semansky). This is directly similar to the “outfits” those around the women in “Barbie Doll” where the girlchild is born …show more content…

We have grown as humans so it is not so bad, but in “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning we can see the restriction that women had to endure. “I know not how-as if she ranked my gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name with anybody’s gift.” (Browning 1335) The Duke did not treat her like a human being he treated her like an object, a prize that he won that can only smile for him. She must hold him first above everything and everyone. A women’s livelihood is always threatened by a controlling man, her free will is nonexistent. “I gave commands then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive.” (Browning 1335) The Duke is a key example of an overprotective man who feels that women are nothing but objects that can be used for his benefit. He killed her because he felt she was being too friendly to other people and since she wouldn’t listen to his commands killing her would be the only way to have her to himself because of the portrait he has of

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