A Response to an Atheist

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For over a millennia, philosophers and theologians alike have disputed the existence of God. From my perspective, it seems as though the atheists are on the attack against theists in the hopes to disprove the existence of God so that they find some comfort in their bleak outlook on mankind’s existence. McCloskey, an outspoken atheist, wrote an article titled “On Being an Atheist” in which he examined and tried to disprove three arguments that he believed convinced many theists of God’s existence. These three arguments are referred to as a cosmological proof, a teleological proof, and an argument from design. While McCloskey’s article may resonate with some atheists and seem to be a valid attack on the theist’s belief, it fails to strike any real blows and instead shows the disparity that comes with atheistic beliefs.

In his article, McCloskey uses the term “proofs” rather than arguments when discussing the three ideas that he finds to be the most motivating forces for theist’s to theistic beliefs. In the article, he states that “move ordinary theist to their theism”(3). He believes that these “proofs” do not offer definitive evidence that proves God exists without even the slightest room for doubt; therefore, the belief in God should be completely abandoned. For an individual who claims to believe in a worldview based on self-reliance and science, this is completely contradictory. For example, with the same mindset and approach to arguments, an atheist should in turn abandon the evolutionary theory because it cannot be definitively proven. After viewing the presentation, there exist Christian refute the atheists’ rebuttals to these arguments. The Bible and knowledge of God and creation offers explanations for many o...

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...t bit. Atheist are not the only ones who are able to assert themselves rationally and find solutions to problems. Some one who holds a biblical worldview may also, but have the knowledge that all things fall into God’s plan and though him we have purpose. Craig sums this up perfectly when he states, “Thus, if there is no God, then life itself becomes meaningless. Man and the universe are without ultimate significance” (2). This idea that we face nothing on our own is far more comforting to me than the “me against the world” view that atheists hold to.

Works Cited

Evans and Manis. Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith (2nd ed.). Downers
Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009.

Craig, William Lane, Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics, 3rd Ed.,Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2008.

McCloskey, H.J. “On Being an Atheist”. Question 1. February 1968.

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