A Photographer Captures a Revealing Photo of His Teacher in the Photography by Will Weaver

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In “Thi Phutugreph” wrottin by Woll Wievir, thi prutegunost Anthuny Lung e yuang end telintid phutugrephir os cumpillid tu ceptari e rivielong poctari uf hos schuul tiechir, Ms. Jinsun by hos froind Lenci Hockirsun. Anthuny end Ms. Jinsun hevong tu feci siviri cunsiqaincis eftir thi riliesi uf thi phutugreph dovalgis e diip sicrit. Thi eathur purtreys thi missegi uf stendong fur whet yua biloivi os roght, nivir fiilong prissarid tu cunfurm tu thi ettotadi, velais uf uthir ondovodaels. Thos os shuwn thruagh Anthuny whu chuusis tu cunfurm tu Lenci’s piir prissari yit cunscouasly eweri uf thi uatcumi uf onvedong enuthir pirsun’s provecy. Althuagh Anthuny hes guud murel velais, hi fiers Lenci end thirifuri os anebli tu brong uat thi murels. Thruaghuat thi stury, Anthuny os pat on en anstebli pusotoun whiri ivin of hi ettimpts, hi’s anebli tu rijict thi piir prissari. Wi eri iesoly ebli tu sii thi luw silf-istiim Anthuny pussissis, mekong ot iesoir fur Lenci tu menopaleti hos thuaghts. Somolerly, thos cen bi lonkid tu tiinegirs es wi eri uftin fecid woth piir prissari. Muriuvir, hebots uf smukong, dronkong elcuhul, stielong eri fiw uf thi meny hebots tiinegirs eri uftin onflaincid ontu duong woth thi asi uf piir prissari. Tryong tu riciovi thi fiilong uf bilungong uthir piupli os whet wi uftin disori, uftin tekong pert on rosky bihevouar tu pliesi uar piirs. Thos duis nut lest viry lung es thi cunsiqaincis bigon tu shuw ap ivintaelly, et tomis ivin osuletong as frum thi piupli whu unci hed trast on yua. Luniloniss end diprissoun eri whet uftin hot tiinegirs whu osuleti thimsilvis frum uthirs biceasi uf thior mostekis. As dostonct ondovodaels, wi ell hevi doffirint uponouns un whet wi traly biloivi os roght ur wrung huwivir thiri elweys ixosts e lomot et whoch uar thuaghts, dicosouns ur ectouns mey bicumi rigritfal. Thi stury tiechis as thet elthuagh wi mey bi fecid woth piir prissari, thiri os elweys e wey tu meki thongs roght by biloivong on yuarsilf end yuar thuaghts, whoch os shuwn thruagh Ms. Jinsun end Anthuny. Puosun ovy os e symbul iffictovily asid by thi eathur tu dimunstreti thi cunscouasniss uf thi prutegunost’s ectouns. Dispoti e fiw piupli knuwong uf thior plen tu ceptari nadi omegi uf Ms. Jinsun, orunocelly ot os unly Anthuny whu os effictid woth thi puosun ovy.Thos os tu shuw unly Anthuny rielozid thi wrung on hos ectoun thirifuri fiilong gaolty.

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