Door-Knocking Campaign Case Study

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So, your door-knocking campaign just ended after a week of daily work. You have 40 contacts to follow-up with, and only five people who are capable to handle them. In addition, you have two sermons to prepare, two Bible class lessons, a blog to write, visits to make, and a family with which you must spend time. You are grateful for the abundant harvest God has provided, but, at the same time, it can be difficult, overwhelming, and discouraging to handle the aftermath of a campaign. But, since following-up with a contact is the most important part of a door-knocking campaign, it is crucial to handle the situation correctly. That is why there are several considerations to make concerning follow-up. First, you must have accurate information. Imagine you have twenty door-knockers and half of them recorded people’s contact information. Now imagine that eight of them cannot write legibly. Now it falls upon you to decipher whatever they scribbled down. Before the campaign starts, tell the door-knockers the importance of getting accurate, legible information. After it ends, double-check the information. You may use the internet to double check addresses, phone numbers, and names. However, before deciding to pursue any actual follow-up, make sure you are dealing with a quality contact. If the door-knockers perceived that the person had little …show more content…

It is counter-productive to exert the effort to establish contact and then fail to maintain it. There are several ways you can maintain contact with someone. You might choose to visit them weekly or bi-weekly. It would be wise to have a list of members who will volunteer to visit the person at particular times so the contact is exposed to several members of the congregation rather than just one. You may also seek to schedule Bible studies at the convenience of the contact. These studies may take several hours, so be prepared to spend time with the person and remain patient

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