Essay About Wedding

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A different perspective Waking up Saturday morning, thinking to myself: today is the day, my uncle finally gets married. I have so many things to do, and I’m not even the bride. The wedding starts at three in the afternoon sharp and I have to shower, get my hair done, get dressed and eat a healthy breakfast. I can only imagine how much stress is upon on her. Getting up from my cozy bed, freezing and having to take a cold shower was the worst part of the day. Did I forget to mention that the wedding is in Peru? Yeah talk about completely different environment. Getting in the shower in Peru is honestly the worst part; because it takes a long time for the water to heat up, I just had to get in and get out. Getting in and getting out of …show more content…

I go straight to my suitcase to get my navy blue lace dress and black heels for the wedding. As I’m changing I realize I had forgotten the most important detail to my outfit that just makes it up. A green rhinestone necklace my grandma had given me specifically for the wedding. After changing I looked everywhere, opened every zipper, pocket, threw all clothes out of my suitcase, looked in the inside of my shoes, and turned my suitcase upside down. I could simply not find my necklace anywhere and I just wanted to cry. I was so upset because I could already imagine the look on my grandmother 's face when she would realize I was not wearing the necklace she has gave me before leaving the United States. I hustled to my mother’s luggage while she was in the shower and relieved to see that she had it in her luggage the whole time. I put the last piece missing from my outfit and knew it was going to be a great wedding. As my sister and mother rush to get ready because they woke up late, I head to the kitchen to make me some breakfast. Knowing that the wedding will most likely not have any type of food for me because I’m vegetarian, I plan a big breakfast for myself. I made 4 scrambled eggs, toasted some bread, and grabbed some …show more content…

Looking out of the window on the way there was just mind blowing. Seeing little kids selling candy out on the streets, dogs everywhere just walking without any owner with them, busses full with 40 people in it even though the capacity is 20 seats. So much dust in the air that when you breath you can feel it, and I just think to myself how much I take things for granted. Driving around in North Carolina you don’t see 6 year olds selling chocolates to make a living nor do you see stray dogs. The thing that hit me the most was just comparing my life in the United States to a life in Peru. How different it could have been if I lived here my whole life. My grandma was right about what she told me before we boarded the plane in the United States, “Appreciate everything in life.” As we get off the taxi I look in every direction and absorb everything around me. I can see how the lifestyle of the people is just so much different from the lifestyle we live in the United States. I watch how kids are actually playing with each other, instead of being inside playing video games or on a computer or a phone. I looked like an outsider pulling out my phone to take pictures because phones are a luxury in Peru, compared to the United States where almost everyone has a phone. As we leave the salon I hear the lady tell my mom the price for the three of us. Me, my mom and my sister put together was cheaper than what it would

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