Agricultural extension Essays

  • Pluralistic Extension System

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pluralistic extension system is provision of extension services for a community which is conducted by more than one source of extension services (Okorley, Grey, & Reed, 2010). According to Rivera & Alex (2004), pluralistic extension system may hold complex providers like non-governmental organizations, private companies, farmers’ organizations, commercial individuals, extension specialists’ associations, and public extension services at municipal, state, and national. Non-pluralistic extension system

  • Ohio Juvenile Diversion Association

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    communication skills, and associations with negative peer groups are all characteristics of delinquent youth (Journal, 1993). The Ohio Cooperative Extension Service Juvenile Diversion programs were designed to address these characteristics in juveniles. The family unit and peer association are the primary social influence on juvenile behavior and the Ohio Extension program focuses on educating families and placing juvenile offenders in programs with positive peer influences. The Ohio juvenile diversion

  • Permaculture: An Approach to Agriculture

    3177 Words  | 7 Pages

    With the exception of some indigenous cultures where hunting and gathering is practiced, agriculture has been humans' primary source of food production for thousands of years. As time has passed, humans have furthered their knowledge of how agricultural systems work. This has resulted in a modern agriculture backed by hundreds of years of scientific research that seeks to ever increase the amount of food produced by a given acreage of land. Yet while modern agriculture is becoming more focused

  • Agricultural Policy

    1183 Words  | 3 Pages

    We know that the labor of South Asians who live by farming is not utilized efficiently. Everyday the agricultural population in the area increases and labor force will rise at an annual rate of 2 or 3 percent. From a planning point of view, speeding up migration from rural areas to the city slums is anyhow not a desirable means of reducing the underutilization of the agricultural labor force. There are elements that seem to lighten the attitude for the productive absorption of more labor in agriculture

  • The Big Sleep: Movie vs. Novel

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    The Big Sleep: Movie vs. Novel Film and literature are two media forms that are so closely related, that we often forget there is a distinction between them. We often just view the movie as an extension of the book because most movies are based on novels or short stories. Because we are accustomed to this sequence of production, first the novel, then the motion picture, we often find ourselves making value judgments about a movie, based upon our feelings on the novel. It is this overlapping

  • Stress

    3298 Words  | 7 Pages

    are also involved in the stress response, are believed to prepare the newborn infant for adaptation to the challenges of life outside the womb. These biological responses to stress make the newborn more alert promoting the bonding process and, by extension, the child's physical survival. The stress reaction maximizes the expenditure of energy which helps prepare the body to meet a threatening or challenging situation and the individual tends to mobilize a great deal of effort in order to deal with

  • The Extension of an Elastic Band

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Extension of an Elastic Band Aim & Hypothesis I anticipate that an increase in the load on the elastic band will result in an increase in the extension of it. I think that the extension will be proportional to the load on the elastic band. I think that there will be a certain amount or energy lost and that this will increase proportionally as the load increase. This will be lost due to heat energy. Safety RISK ASSESSMENT - LEVEL ONE This experiment does not carry many hazards

  • The Effects of the Extension of a Spring on the Time it Takes a Weight to Oscillate

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Effects of the Extension of a Spring on the Time it Takes a Weight to Oscillate Introduction I am investigating the relationship between the extension of the spring and the effect it has on the time it takes for the wait on the spring to oscillate. Scientific Knowledge [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Spring at rest Spring extended As the spring is extended the spring stores potential kinetic energy. So the larger X is, the more energy is stored. To work out the energy

  • Average Spring Constant and Uncertainty of the Batch

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Average Spring Constant and Uncertainty of the Batch Outline plan ============ I have been given 3 springs to which I will add different weight. Using the value of extension (Δx) I will calculate the spring constant. Hooke's Law says that the stretch of a spring from its rest position is linearly proportional to the applied force (stress is proportional to strain). Symbolically, F = kΔx Where F stands for the applied force, x is the amount of stretch (found by new length minus

  • Analysis of Archetypes

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Food is often used as a symbol of transformation, and in this instance it allows the witch to claim possession of the baby girl before she is even born. Through the consumption of the rapunzel that belongs to the witch, the child becomes a sort of extension of her. Naming the baby Rapunzel for the very thing that connects them shows this. After this initial task, the father is never mentioned. He has completed his part in the child’s life, and disappears to al... ... middle of paper ... ...She weeps

  • The Final Semester of College

    869 Words  | 2 Pages

    ounce of energy for all the casual sex they’ll be having instead of attending whatever blow-off courses they enrolled in. All of which is, of course, good advice, and as such I dispensed and expounded upon it with much glee: Procrastination and extensions: Let’s be honest: it’s in the nature of college students to procrastinate. Why should this be any different when it comes to the love life? The scenario’s about the same; just tweaked ever so slightly: your collegiate assignment was to copulate

  • Comparing the Quest for Self in Jane Eyre and Villete

    3575 Words  | 8 Pages

    Quest for Self in Jane Eyre and Villete "Why is Villette so disagreeable? Because the writer's mind contains nothing but hunger, rebellion and rage." Matthew Arnold, 1853. Matthew Arnold was certainly forthcoming about the defects of both Charlotte Bronte's  mind and of her novel. Indeed he was not alone in his reaction to her; Anne  Mozley in The Christian Remembrancer ;in April 1853 wrote in reaction to  Bronte's other great work of "rebellion", Jane Eyre, that she had to make 

  • Knee Injury: A Case Study

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    Series of alterations have been found on knee due to the wear of HH. According to Mika et al. (2012) the knee appeared to be more flexed during the stance phase while wearing HH. This conclusion was made when evaluating the changes of electromyopraphic activity of lower limb muscles of women in 3 conditions: (1) without shoes, (2) with 4 cm heel shoes and, (3) with 10 cm heel shoes. The evaluation included knee joint range of motion in the sagittal plane and knee joints alignment angle in the gait

  • Football Hamstring Injury

    1081 Words  | 3 Pages

    Football, known also as soccer is one of the most popular sport played worldwide. This kind of sport activity involves mainly running, sprinting, jumping, kicking as well as rapid acceleration or deceleration. Football players must possess the vast ability and skills in order to perform a precise delivery of the ball to a target by using mainly the lower part of the body. The football game involves intensive movements throughout the 90 minutes which contributes in a large extent of occurrence of

  • Pirouette Etiquette

    2059 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the frontal plane, the movement shows the depression of scapula. The joint involved in this part of the pirouette is the scapulothoracic joint. This motion can be analyzed in the frontal plane or the sagittal due to the movements of the shoulders with the trunk (Hall, 2011). In the transverse plane it is the external rotation of the hip that helps form a pirouette. The muscles used to perform the rotation are the gluteus minimus, piriformis, superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, obturator internus

  • Descartes Sixth Meditation

    1138 Words  | 3 Pages

    shown the mind to be better known than the body. In Meditation Six, however, he goes on to claim that, as he knows his mind and knows clearly and distinctly that its essence consists purely of thought. Also, that bodies' essences consist purely of extension, and that he can conceive of his mind and body as existing separately. By the power of God, anything that can be clearly and distinctly conceived of as existing separately from something else can be created as existing separately. However, Descartes

  • Dopamine, It Does a Body Good

    1106 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dopamine, It Does a Body Good In class we have frequently discussed the I-function and how it relates to the body and the brain. Is the I-function a separate soul? Is it simply an extension of our DNA and genes? In addition, we have fretted over the I-function and its relationship to our behavior or personality. Where exactly the I-function is, we have also wondered. In this paper I will explore personality, the I-function and their relationship to genes and chemical changes that take place

  • The Erotics of the Technological Body

    877 Words  | 2 Pages

    body through the use of technological objects –yet techno-eroticism still remains a central drive. Why is technology a source of erotic thrill? A central motivation is the relationship with power. Technology provides control over power, and, by extension, power over the "Other". After the beginning of the nineteenth century, machines came to be perceived as threatening and uncontrollable entities, and thus made the object of displacement and projection of patriarchal fears towards female sexuality

  • Types Of Shot In Basketball

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    releasing the ball at the highest point of a leap. This shot has three phases; the preparation phase, execution phase and the follow through phase. In the preparation phase is taken place in a sagittal plane. The knees and hips are flexed prior to the extension. It pre-stretches the muscles that contracts in the jump. From an upright standing position at….. degree angle, the player initiates a decelerating downward movement where the abdominals are contracted to …….degree angle. The downward motion flexes

  • Hip and Knee Movements and Muscles

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    one foot forward and one foot back while placing your hands on the starting line. a. In what position is the hip joint for the forward leg? Flexion and extension can be measured by analyzing the angles between two body parts. Flexion can be described as a movement that decreases the angle between two parts of a body. On the other hand, extension describes to a movement that increases the angle between two parts of a body. The position of a runner, who is taking a short race, on the starting block