Average Spring Constant and Uncertainty of the Batch

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Average Spring Constant and Uncertainty of the Batch

Outline plan


I have been given 3 springs to which I will add different weight.

Using the value of extension (Δx) I will calculate the spring

constant. Hooke's Law says that the stretch of a spring from its rest

position is linearly proportional to the applied force (stress is

proportional to strain). Symbolically,

F = kΔx

Where F stands for the applied force, x is the amount of stretch

(found by new length minus original length), and k is a constant that

depends on the "stiffness" of the spring, called the spring constant.


Trial plan


Set up equipment as above. Measure original length of spring. Add

weights 0.5N at a time until spring reaches elastic limit. Record

extension (Δx). Plot these results on a graph and use this information

to gain a sensible number and range of values to use in full


Safety Notes

Be sure to keep your feet out of the area in which the masses will

fall if the spring breaks

Be sure to clamp the stand to the lab table, or weight it with several

books so that the mass does not pull it off the table.

You need to hang enough mass to the end of the spring to get a

measurable stretch, but too much force will permanently damage the

spring, as it will have exceeded its elastic limit.

Wear safety glasses to protect eyes if spring suddenly recoils.


Apparatus list


1 Stand

1 Clamp

1 Boss

1 hanger

3 provided springs

0 - 100.0cm ruler

1 paper clip

Set of known masses

Detailed plan



Assemble the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. Be sure to clamp

the stand to the lab table, or weight it with several books. Some

springs tend to be "clenched" - their coils are pressing against each

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