sticks and stones

522 Words2 Pages

As a child, I was always told, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” however; I have come to disagree with this adage. While some people choose to express their feelings, others would rather hide them. Neither person is “right,” but they are both affected by words. My personal experiences, literary events, and my observations support that words hurt people. In my fifteen years of life, I have been hurt by words countless times, causing me to lose my self-confidence and gain a desire to alter my appearances. My self-confidence started going downhill when I received negative comments about the size of my ears. I became fragile, vulnerable, to insults like these, thus creating challenges for my future. Later in life, I became taunted with names like “ginger” and “fat,” triggering me to long for appearance alterations. I believed that the hurt caused by words would cease to exist once I eliminated the cause and learned how to hide being affected. In hindsight, I realize that I could not have been more wrong. Externally hiding my feel...

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