Why We Should Not Have Homework Essay

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Schools would run smoother if students did not have homework. Students should not receive homework. First of all, many students have enough things to do after school. Also, some students don’t have the right resources to complete their homework. In contrast, some people believe that students should have homework because they can become responsible. Students should not have homework because they have enough to do and may not have the right resources; however, some believe that homework helps make students responsible. Students should not receive homework because they are too busy. According to Etta Kralovec, many students come home to watching other siblings. Many students grow up in poor families when parents are working all the time. In addition, older students are often in extracurricular activities after school (Spencer). The students in other activities might not have time to complete homework. Also, young students need time to play and have fun (Spencer). Younger kids have lots of energy and need to use it. After school activities make students busy enough even without homework. On the other hand, students also shouldn’t have homework because students often don’t have the right resources to complete their work. …show more content…

Some students have high speed internet (Kralovec). Some students don't have internet at all. Also, many students grow up in poor families with parents who are trying to provide for their family (Kralovec). Some parents work all the time and aren’t home to help children with homework. In addition, some students have on and off electricity and internet (Spencer). Students without electricity or internet can’t always complete their homework. Not all students have proper resources to complete their homework. On the other hand, some people think that schools should give homework because it helps students become

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