Why Kids Should Not Have Away Time?

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When your child has a long day of sports and they are tired and overwhelmed, but they still have homework that takes about two hours, it is just too much. Over the years, students have gone through needless misery and they have missed sport events just to do homework. Today, students still go through the same problem even if they are in first grade or a junior in highschool. Homework is the teachers top priority now a days. Teachers will punish you if you are too busy to do your homework even though you already have learned the same concept over and over again.Students should not have homework because it takes away time from their activity or it just gives them more to do then to just relax. First, Vicki Abeles, the writer for Motto, states …show more content…

Abeles claims that students don’t get to do what they do as a hobby as shown in the quote. “We cut back on their activities but still found ourselves stuck in a system on overdrive, returning home from hectic days at 6 p.m. only to face hours more of homework.” This proclaims that kids can’t even do their activities because homework is just so overwhelming and too much to handle. This also shows that kids might not get to play in their next game because they didn’t go to practice because they were to busy. Kids aren’t so happy with having homework because of the outcomes of everything. By the cause of having homework, kids don’t get the opportunity to get exercise which isn’t good for humans …show more content…

Staff in the educational field say that homework gets you learning different concepts easier, but really teachers teach you concepts in class. Vicki Abeles states, “Even the professionals in specialized fields take care to limit their work to concentrated periods of focus. A landmark study of how humans develop expertise found that elite musicians, scientists and athletes do their most productive work only about four hours per day.” This is because they believe that rest is very important and if you overwork your body, you might not be at the best of your ability the next day. Once you rest, you will get your energy back and you will feel like you are on top of the world because you will feel stronger and you be able to last a lot longer. If you don’t rest and just keep working and working, you will feel exhausted, you will also feel pain, and you wouldn’t feel great about yourself or you will feel

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