Why School Should Start Later

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Many students wake up exhausted almost every morning for school, but what if we could change that. Many, including myself, believe that school should start later in the day. School should start later because many students come to school exhausted and at most can’t perform as well as they could if they did get a good amount of sleep. Some students in middle and high school stay up late at night (sometimes to 11p.m.) because of homework or other afterschool activities. Do you believe that school should start later in the day?

Finally, many doctors also believe that school should start later. According to authors Russell Rosenberg and Michael Monaco, “EXPERTS AGREE that sleep deprivation has a significant negative impact on school performance.” …show more content…

According to the author of “Asking if Sleep-ins are Good or Bad,” state that “Research has shown that sleep is very important to younger children, who need an average of 11 hours of sleep a day. But around the start of teenage years don’t need to go to sleep until 11pm and then wake up between eight and nine because of their body clocks.” This shows that some students are used to going to sleep late, although this is something bad for their health, some can’t help it. This is a reason why students should start later: so they could get the right amount of sleep. Also, from the same source it states, “The majority of teenagers have to attend school earlier than their bodies would like so they would have a lot of trouble concentrating especially when attacking demanding tasks during the afternoon.” This again proves that students need to have a good sleep in order to succeed throughout the school day. Although, many students need to go to sleep earlier to get up from school on time; some can’t because they’re so used to going to sleep at that time. As you can tell, sleep is very important for students to catch up on, so if we could start school later in the day, less students will be tired in the

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