Why School Should Start Later

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School shouldn’t start later Should school really start later? If school starts later later it will go later. Also kids will just go to bed later. School must start at the same time because if it doesn’t everyones schedule will be messed up.
The first reason is, if classes start later teens will go to bed later. They will think of it as more time to fool around. If school starts later students will just go to bed later because school went later. A website said “Teens may stay up even later if they don't have to wake for school at an earlier time”(Morin). They will still not get enough sleep. It’s just shifting are whole day an hour later. So if they want to let the students sleep better they should make school hours shorter. So make the school days 6 hours instead of 7 hours.
The second reason is, starting later means dismissing school later. If you start the day later you have to end the day later. “Teens would get out of school later in the afternoons”(Morin). That means that school will go later into the day. Some kids may not be able to get a ride home. If school goes later into the day that leaves less time for clubs and sports. That means that kids might not be able to do those things anymore. …show more content…

If school starts later it will go later and that means that there is less time for other things. “Students who participate in sports and extra-curricular activities would get home much later in the evenings”(Morin). Sports practice or clubs might have to be cut short because school went so late. It also could cut into family activities. For example it could cut into family dinner time. Sometimes there is only a small time when the whole family is home, but if school goes later it might cut into that time. Some kids might have to drop out of clubs and teams so that they have enough time to do

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